Smit Luvani
Full Stack Developer
(Mid-Senior Level)
  • Residence:
  • Degree:
    M. Sc. Computer Science
  • German:
Response Time
Up Time
Amazon Web Service, Google Cloud Platform
Cloud Database (MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Firebase, MySQL)
WebSocket & Payment Gateway
React/React Native
  • Quick learner
  • Project management
  • Teamwork
  • Time management
  • Problem-solving attitude
  • Critical thinking
  • System analysis
  • Database design
  • Server architecture

Full Stack Developer

Mobile Apps & DevOps Engineer

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Smit Luvani
Years Experience
Different Projects
Worked with agencies
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Tech Stack & Programming Skill

Node JS (Express JS)
I have extensive experience building RESTful APIs using Express.js to deliver secure and efficient server-side web applications. This includes best practices for data validation, error handling, and secure session management, as well as integrating with authentication and authorization services for user authentication and access control.
I used python to develop bots in Telegram and Machine Learning, Deep Learning models. I have experience in Python with Tensorflow, Keras, Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Scikit-learn, and many more.
React JS/React Native
I have experience using React.js/React Native and Redux for state management in web/mobile apps. I manage Redux stores, dispatch actions to update state, and use middleware for side effects and async operations. I follow best practices for structuring Redux code and integrating with React.
I have experience using HTML, CSS, and vanilla JavaScript to develop and style user interfaces for web applications, including creating and organizing HTML page structures, styling with CSS selectors and properties, and using JavaScript to handle user interactions and manipulate the DOM.
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) integration
I have experience using React Native to develop mobile applications that interact with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) devices, including scanning for and connecting to BLE peripherals, reading and writing characteristics, and handling Bluetooth events using the React Native BLE library.
Database Design
I excel in database design, optimizing data models, migration strategies, and schema adhering to normalization principles for data integrity. I also manage performance, queries, backup, recovery, security, and monitoring for databases like MySQL, PostgresSQL, MSSQL, MongoDB, and Firebase.
Payment Integration
I have experience integrating payment systems into web and mobile applications, including designing and implementing checkout flows, integrating with third-party payment gateways such as Stripe, Razorpay and PayPal, and ensuring compliance with PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) and other relevant security standards.
I use Firestore as a NoSQL database for web/mobile apps, designing and querying data, syncing with Firebase Cloud Functions. Also, I use Firebase App Distribution for testing and Firebase Cloud Storage for secure content storage.
Web Socket
I've' experience implementing real-time bidirectional communication between web clients and servers using WebSockets, including designing and implementing WebSocket servers, handling message serialization and deserialization, and integrating with front-end JavaScript frameworks such as React and Angular to build interactive real-time applications.
Cron Jobs / Custom Scheduler
I've implemented schedulers for email and SMS automation, such as for marketing and reminders. Experience with scheduling and automating web app tasks using cron jobs, including configuring and editing scripts on Unix-based systems, and integrating with external services for automated actions.
I have basic experience working with WordPress to create and manage websites, including setting up and customizing pre-built themes, installing and configuring plugins, and creating and publishing website content through the WordPress CMS.

Cloud Computing

I have experience setting up and managing AWS EC2 instances, including configuring security groups, managing instance storage and data backups, and integrating with other AWS services such as S3 and RDS to build scalable and reliable web applications.
AWS Load Balancer and Auto Scaling
I configured and managed AWS Load Balancer and Auto Scaling to distribute traffic, improve availability, and handle traffic spikes. This included setting up and configuring load balancers, monitoring and scaling instances based on demand, and integrating with other AWS services to build highly available and scalable web apps.
AWS Beanstalk
I have experience using AWS Elastic Beanstalk to deploy and manage web applications, including setting up and configuring application environments, scaling and load balancing instances based on traffic, and integrating with other AWS services to build scalable and fault-tolerant applications.
AWS S3 Storage & Cloudfront
I have experience using AWS S3 Storage and CloudFront to store and distribute static and dynamic content, including setting up and configuring buckets, managing object permissions, and optimizing content delivery using edge locations and caching strategies.
I have experience using AWS RDS to set up and manage relational databases, including configuring database instances, monitoring performance, and automating backups and disaster recovery.
AWS Lambda (Serverless)
I developed a personal project utilizing AWS Lambda to automate CRM backups. This solution schedules tasks to retrieve backup data from Zoho CRM and securely store it in the user's preferred cloud storage. This serverless architecture ensures efficient, scalable, and reliable backup management with minimal operational overhead.
Amazon SES
I have utilized Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) to implement a reliable and scalable email delivery system. By integrating SES, I ensured efficient and high-performance email communication, leveraging its robust features to handle bulk emails, manage delivery rates, and maintain a high level of deliverability and engagement.
AWS Route 53 & Certificate Manager
I have experience using AWS Route 53 and Certificate Manager to manage DNS records and SSL/TLS certificates, including configuring domain names, setting up routing policies, and securing website traffic with SSL/TLS encryption.
AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)
I have experience using AWS IAM to manage user identities, roles, and permissions, including creating and configuring policies, enforcing least privilege access, and integrating with other AWS services for authentication and authorization.
AWS Cloudfront
I have experience using AWS CloudFront to improve website and application performance by accelerating content delivery and reducing server load, and integrating it with Amazon S3 for content management and distribution.
AWS Amplify
I have configured Amplify to automate deployment from Gitlab repository with branching and environment management.
GCP App Engine
I have experience using Google Cloud Platform's App Engine to deploy and scale web applications, including configuring App Engine services, setting up automatic scaling and monitoring, and using App Engine's APIs and services to build and manage web applications.


OS Experience
With extensive knowledge and hands-on experience in operating systems, I am proficient in managing and optimizing Windows, Ubuntu, and Linux servers. My deep expertise in Linux command line operations enables me to execute complex tasks with precision and efficiency, ensuring reliable and secure system performance.
I have engineered a robust CI/CD pipeline that automates the build and deployment process on AWS EC2 instances via AWS Elastic Beanstalk. This pipeline is tailored to specific server environments, ensuring seamless, consistent, and efficient deployment of applications with minimal downtime.
I have substantial experience with Docker for containerizing applications, ensuring scalable and portable deployments. By leveraging Docker Compose, I efficiently automate and manage container orchestration, streamlining the development and deployment lifecycle with precision and flexibility.
Gitlab CI
I possess hands-on experience with GitLab CI for automating the continuous integration and deployment of software applications. By harnessing GitLab's built-in pipelines and runners, I streamline the build, test, and deployment processes, ensuring a seamless and efficient workflow that accelerates software delivery.
I have extensive experience with Jenkins, particularly in the context of Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) testing. By leveraging Jenkins, I automate complex workflows, integrating HIL systems into continuous integration pipelines to enhance testing efficiency and ensure reliable, real-time validation of hardware-software interactions.

CMS and CRM Integration
I have experience using as a headless CMS for managing and delivering content in a flexible and scalable way, leveraging its APIs to integrate with other tools and services.
Zoho CRM
I have experience using Zoho CRM to manage customer data and relationships, utilizing its advanced features and integrations to automate workflows, generate leads, and analyze sales performance.

Source Code Management

I have experience with Git, including creating and managing repositories, committing changes, branching and merging code, collaborating with other developers, and using Git to manage project history.
I am proficient in Git and GitHub for code management and collaboration, including repository creation, committing, branching, merging, and utilizing pull requests, issues, and project boards to streamline workflows and communicate with other developers.
I have experience to work with Gitlab that includes project management, integration, repository configuration, merge request, environment variables for CI, and Webhook.

Project Management

I am experienced in working with the Scrum methodology to manage software development projects, utilizing its iterative approach to plan and execute sprints, conduct daily stand-ups, and review and prioritize backlogs.
Jira / Trello
For project management, I have used Jira and Trello to track tasks, user stories, and bugs. Both tools are great for agile development and collaboration, with Jira offering more advanced features for larger projects.

Data Science

Deep Learning
I gained knowledge and programming experience in Deep Learning through my master studies at university. I have worked on pytorch for CNN, ResNet, Transfer Learning for Saliency Prediction, and Variational AutoEncoders.
Machine Learning
I and my colleague made report on AirBnb San Francisco using Logistic Regression, Lasso CV, Ridge CV and Polynomial Regression model to analyze the data and predict the price for new hotel in the same location.

Blockchain & Smart Contracts

Web 3.0
For emerging technology for the circular economy, I am learning to make smart contracts using Solidity language. I have deployed a contract for learning purposes. I am looking for work from you. Web 3.0 is the future and I would like to work in it.

Software Architecture

I have worked on various project with monolithic architecture and successfully handout with reliable solution for users. I'd complex, web socket and payment gateway integrated projects with this architecture.
Microservice Architecture
I have knowledge about microservice architecture. I have a running project under this architecture term. It uses docker and AWS to handle serverless application to connect each function (microservice) of application.

Experience cum Basic Knowledge

AWS Shield
Using Shield service, It can prevent DDoS attack and minimize downtime and latency of your application on AWS. It reduce unusual and unauthentic traffic over the application.
AWS Cognito
Cognito is authorization service provided by Amazon Web Service. It helps APIs to authenticate users and can be use as middleware. It supports Google, Facebook, apple etc. authentication via SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) 2.0 and OpenID connect.
Simple Notification service is pubsub method to publish topic-message to subscriber on the specific event. It helps to reduce work in backend as well as help to get alert on server events like usage limit exceed etc. SQS enables to queue processing for distributed system, serverless app and microservice.
GCP Cloud Build & Source Repository
GCP is direct competitor to AWS. I've started working on GCP for auto deploying Python Django project on cloud container. I got familiar with cloud build, source repository, and cloud storage.


Personal Projects

BackupSuit (CRM Backups)
A tool to schedule backup from CRM to Cloud Storage
Jan 2024 - Present

Developed a tool that automates CRM backup scheduling, similar to WhatsApp's nightly backups. This solution alleviates organizational concerns about data management by ensuring regular, automated backups. By storing data in personal cloud spaces, it enhances confidentiality and mitigates risks of data breaches, providing peace of mind and robust data security.

Visit Website Co-Founder Context
Express Forster
Boilerplate Template for Express JS
Oct 2020 - Present

A Node JS Express Quick Start Templates featuring seamless integration with AWS S3, Razorpay, Firebase, Node Mailer, and Mongoose (MongoDB), these templates boast a clean directory structure and MVC framework for smooth scalability and high-traffic performance.

GitHub Repository Gitlab Repository
School Score
Online School Management Platform
2019 - On Hold

A Online Educational Institute Management and Student Communication Platform. I am founder of this project and hope to release it out on web as soon as possible.

Co-Founder Context Visit Website

Recommendations & Review

Joseph Morena
I highly recommend Smit for all your projects. He surpassed all expectations in his understanding of all the tasks required to successfully deliver a unique product. Dependable, accessible at all times, and highly knowledgeable. I will definitely be hiring him again.
Tim Keough
Highly recommend Smit. He's a smart, hard worker who is anxious to produce great results fast. Is willing to learn new tools and happy to help on any aspects of a project
Prof. Kajal Patil
I have taught Smit Luvani during his bachelor's education. He is an obedient and hardworking student during his academic duration. Also has good knowledge and grasping towards practicals.
Tim Keough
Smit has been a valuable addition to the team and we are extremely happy with his work and efforts. He consistently performs and proactively asks when he needs guidance or help.
Dt. Gautam Jani
I am working with Smit Luvani since 2019. He is very punctual, hard working and experienced developer. I would like to recommend Smit for better development of application.
Rutvik Gumasana
I managed Smit Luvani directly in my company. He is very punctual and passionate about given task. Smit is very good system analyst, database designer and programmer.
Jenil Narola
I am working with Smit Luvani on various project. He has delivered many successful projects. I would say that Smit is perfect for application analysis, execution and long term project.

Smit Luvani

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